Friday, March 26, 2010

A welcome

I want to welcome any readers to this blog, old or new. To the poet, a poem is complete and makes perfect sense. But readers without the same background may be puzzled or even bewildered, so in future I am going to try adding a little explanatory text to my poems. It's not easy, on some blogs, to go back and add text to an already posted poem, and it's very time-consuming, so I suppose I can apply this rule only to new posts.

I'd like though, to say something about a poem here that's very important to me. It's called 'The Professor' and it's about A. D. Hope. Hope was professor of English poetry at the Australian National University for many years, and is recognised as one of Australia's top ten poets of all time. He is my 'hero poet', clever, cultured, sklled, writer of the best rhyming poems I know, and also writer of the most erotic short poem I know. ("When Like The Sun', 1968) He was clearly interested in sex, and as professors often do, he took advantage of the prettiest female students. This is clear from mentions in many of his poems. But there was a black side to his life, as I have tried to express in this poem. See what you think.

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